The aim of ESF projects is to promote employment in the Member States of the European Union, to eliminate all forms of discrimination and inequality in the labor market, as well as to develop human resources and promote the establishment of the information society.

Project provide assistance to less developed regions, focusing mainly on improving public infrastructure and promoting entrepreneurship.
Projects team

Sandra Bidzāne
Project manager
Tālr. 22307262

Artūrs Bērziņš
Project manager

Ieva Dorila
Project manager
Tālr. 28809496

Andra Zenčaka
Project manager
Tālr. 27260001

Inga Šikova
Project manager
Tālr. 20011907
E-pasts: inga.sikova@rvt.lv
The aim of the project is to modernize the vocational education competence center “Riga State Technical School”, ensuring the compliance of the learning environment with the development of economic sectors and improving the availability of vocational education.
Project results:
- methodical building / business incubator reconstruction works;
- construction of a new building for the service hotel;
- construction works of a new multifunctional hall, construction works of outdoor sports grounds, as well as improvement of the territory;
- renovation of the study building at Noliktavas Street 2, Riga, Krišjāņa Valdemāra Street 1C, Riga and Kronvalda Boulevard 1A, Riga;
- purchase of the necessary equipment and facilities for the implementation of priority educational programs.
Artūrs Bērziņš
The project aims to reduce the number of children and young people who drop out of school and do not finish school.
The target audience:
- pupils in general education schools from 5th to 12th grade
- 1st to 4th year students of vocational education institutions (also general education institutions that implement vocational education programs)
Ieva Dorila
Tālr. 28809496
E-pasts: Ieva.Dorila@rvt.lv
The aim of the project is to improve access to career guidance for students in general and vocational education institutions.
Target audience: learners
Sandra Bidzāne
Tālr. 22307262
Solveiga Keistere
Tālr. 26404118
The aim of the project is to improve the professional competence of the employed persons in order to timely eliminate the discrepancy of the labor force qualification with the demand of the labor market, to promote the competitiveness of the employees and the increase of labor productivity.
The target group is the working and self-employed population.
Andra Zenčaka
tālr. 27260001
The aim of the project is to increase the energy efficiency of the Vocational Education Competence Center “Riga State Technical School” building at 31A Ūnijas Street, Riga, ensuring improvement of thermal performance of building facades, reducing heat loss through its enclosing structures, complete reconstruction of heating system, service life while improving the visual appearance of the building.
Artūrs Bērziņš
The aim of the project is to increase the number of students in qualified vocational education institutions after their participation in work-based learning or internships in a company.
Target group of support
Learners in educational institutions studying vocational secondary education and vocational education programs.
Main activities:
- Implementation of work-based learning in vocational education – company and craftsman.
- Implementation of practical training and study practice in the enterprise in accordance with the qualification requirements or co-operation with the entrepreneur in the acquisition of vocational secondary education vocational education programs.
Inga Šikova
Tālr. 20011907
Projekta mērķis ir izstrādāt mainīgajām darba tirgus prasībām atbilstošu profesionālās izglītības saturu un nodrošināt profesionālās izglītības atbilstību Eiropas kvalifikācijas ietvarstruktūrai.
Atbalsta mērķa grupa
Izglītības iestāžu izglītojamie, kas mācās profesionālās vidējās izglītības un arodizglītības programmas.
Projekta rezultāti:
- Pilnveidotas 14 nozaru kvalifikācijas struktūras un izstrādāta viena jauna nozares kvalifikācijas struktūra Mākslas nozares dizaina un radošo industriju sektoram
- izstrādāti 160 profesiju standarti un/vai profesionālās kvalifikācijas prasības
- izstrādāts profesionālās kvalifikācijas eksāmenu saturs 210 profesionālajām kvalifikācijām un viena profesionālās kvalifikācijas eksāmenu satura un sasniedzamo rezultātu novērtēšanas metodika
- izstrādātas modulārās profesionālās izglītības programmas 184 profesionālajām kvalifikācijām
- izstrādāti un/vai iegādāti 80 mācību līdzekļi
The aim of the project is to develop the content of vocational education in accordance with the changing requirements of the labor market and to ensure the compliance of vocational education with the European Qualifications Framework.
Support target group
Pupils of educational institutions studying vocational secondary education and vocational education programs.
Project results:
- 14 branch qualification structures have been improved and one new branch qualification structure has been developed for the art design and creative industries sector
- 160 professional standards and / or professional qualification requirements have been developed
- the content of professional qualification examinations for 210 professional qualifications and the methodology of one professional qualification examination content and the results to be achieved have been developed
- modular vocational education programs for 184 professional qualifications have been developed
- 80 teaching aids developed and / or purchased
Sandra Bidzāne
Tālr. 22307262
Projekta mērķis ir palielināt nodarbinātībā, izglītībā vai apmācībās neiesaistītu jauniešu nodarbinātību un izglītības ieguvi Jauniešu garantijas ietvaros.
Mērķa auditorija: vecumā no 17 līdz 29 gadiem , kuri nemācās un ir nenodarbināti.
Sandra Bidzāne
Tālr. 22307262
The aim of the project is to increase the employment and educational attainment of young people not in employment, education or training under the Youth Guarantee.
Target audience: people aged 17-29 who are not in education or employment.
Sandra Bidzāne
Tālr. 22307262