Riga State Technical School
More than education!

Dagnija Vanaga
Director of Riga Technical School
Innovation and sustainability!
Riga State Technical School (RSTS) implements vocational secondary education programmes which give a possibility to get the third professional qualification level and in addition carries out the functions of regional or sector methodical centre, teacher further education centre and assessment of professional competences acquired out of formal education system.
RSTS is the most versatile vocational education competence centre in Latvia. At the moment 39 accredited vocational education programmes are being implemented in RSTS. In 14 different vocational secondary education programme groups, as well as professional development and further education programmes. There are more than 2000 students in RSTS.
RSTS provides the country with highly qualified specialists, maintains cultural values dominating in the society, and work virtue, thus achieving that RSTS not only delivers knowledge to the students, but also creates mental and ethical values.
Purposeful work is implemented in RSTS for students to acquire knowledge and skills and possibilities are created for them to become independent, responsible, mentally rich, creative personalities and citizens of modern society, as well as to provide support for their mental and physical development.
RSTS stimulates the youth to actively and creatively participate in the social and cultural life of the school/city/country, to investigate and tidy up the environment, thus providing the students with practical possibilities to take part in exploration and preservation of national traditions and heritage.
The beginning of RSTS is considered 21st October in 1918, when Riga opened the Buildtechnical Society Technical School through initiative of building engineers’ group, but already on 24th August in 1919 Latvian government commissioned the premises of the Nicolay’s Secondary School in Riga, Krišjāņa Valdemāra Street 1c to the technical school, and this is where the school is located also today. On 29th December in 1919 Latvian government made a decision to open the technical secondary school here.